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50 classic books in 5 years

The mean reason why I open this blog is to share my opinions and reviews about classic books, so I decided that I want to join to The Classics Club. I'm going to be indulgent with myself and I'm going to put my goal in 50 books in 5 years. This list is going to be from the January 1st of 2021 to the December 31st of 2025, probably is going to be in less time (I expected that). If I read classics that isn't in this list I'm going to add it. Section 1 Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet (1597) Hamlet (1603) Othello (1604) A Midsummer night’s dream (1605) King Lear (1606) Macbeth (1606) Section 2 Modern Classics East of Eden, John Steinbeck (1952) Into the War, Italo Calvino (1954) On the road, Jack Kerouac (1957) Naked Lunch, William S. Burroughs (1959) To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee (1960) In Cold Blood, Truman Capote (1965) The Name of the rose, Umberto Eco (1980) Section 3 Greek and Roman The Iliad,

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