A little about myself

Hi blogosphere! I'm a internaut, and I really like to read, I think that I haven´t read a lot of books, so I can say that I love read. Where I live the people doesn't read, and I don't have someone to talk about books, so I think that this blog can be aa amazing opportunity to share what books I like and what books I hate. My native language isn't English, this is what I'm writing this in English, so I will understand more the language. Almost every book that I read is in Spanish, but I really want to start reading in English. The three principal genres that I read are Classics and Youth/Classic fantasy and Young Adult literature(like The perks of being a wallflower). The Classics I read are in Spanish, but I want to start reading classics in English, because they use like a more complex vocabulary, but I try to read the other two genres in English, I need to say that the only books that I have read in English are the Percy Jackson's books. How the title says this is a little about myself, whit the time I think that you will discover more about me, and my tastes.


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